Penhaligons Luna Edt 100 Ml
Penhaligons Luna Edt 100 Ml
The Moon Goddess’ bath is as soothing as it is seductive, much like her eau de toilette. It shines with orange, jasmine, soft rose and fir balsam. Relax. Sink in. Surrender has never felt so sweet.
Head: Bergamot, Lemon, Orange
Heart: Rose Accord, Jasmine Petal Accord, Juniper Berry Oil
Base: Fir Balsam, Musk, Ambergris
Penhaligon’s is perhaps the world’s most esteemed fragrance house, with a rich heritage interlaced with British history, aristocracy and culture. Since 1870, the fine perfumers have been entertaining the world’s nostrils with a dose of Britishness and dazzling scents, and they do not intend on stopping.?
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